Find what CMS Platform or Framework a Website

Web Tools to detect CMS

Find What CMS  Content Management System a Website is using
We come across lots of sites a day and sometimes we wonder what CMS (Content Management System) a site is using and perhaps we also want to know what scripts are installed. Well, here is a way in detail.
There are lots of CMS like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Sharepoint etc, Finding out which CMS a specific website is using becomes easier with these online tools. These tools scan the source code, analyzes the framework and finally shows the results. The result include the CMS used by a website, scripts installed and other details useful for a programmer.
 Here’s the list of top sites that offer CMS trace function

1. CMS Detector 

Online Webtools has got a very nice CMS detector application which can be used just to find out the Content Management System used by a website or Framework used by a site.
CMS Detector

2. Builtwith (Most Popular and Effective)

Builtwith is a very powerful tool to determine a site framework. Builtwith goes deep and throws you the more in-depth detail of a website including Server information, Content Management System, Framework, Advertising used, Analytics and tracking, Javascript libraries, Audio/Video media, Widgets used, Content Delivery Network, Aggregation Functionality, Document Information and Encoding type.

3. W3Techs (Popular and Highly Effective)

W3Techs gives the complete detail of a website. The details include Website background, Content Management System, Server side programming languages, Client side programming languages, Javascript library, Mark-up language, Character Encoding, Image file formats, Site elements, SSL Certificate authorities, Social Widgets, Web server, Traffic Analysis tools, Advertising network, Domain, Language and Technology Score. The tool gives ultimate in-depth data of a website which is extremely useful for a programmer.
This tools is also available as Browser Extensions for Chrome and Firefox
Install W3TECHS for Firefox     |     W3TECHS for Chrome

4. Guess Scritch

This tool analyzes websites and attempts to detect the plaform, language, tools, widgets, trackers and javascript/css frameworks and other technologies used for any website. This is a great tool to determine the CMS of a website.
Guess Scritch

5. WhatCMS

WhaCMS just displays the Content Management System used in a website and doesn’t analyze any other information. If you only need to lookup a website platform in which it is built, then this toll is of great help.
What CMS


This tool just shows up the CMS of a website.

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